Thursday 9 February 2012

1065688491. MMU digital portfolio

 These photographs were taken to explore different lyrics of songs. I decided to create them with sinister undertones as I felt this fit the theme of lyrics chosen.

 Throughout the first few weeks of the foundation course, lots of mediums and techniques of working were explored. I particularly enjoyed creating line drawing from hand made tools.

A mini project was given to students to create a 'campus map' so that we became aware of our surroundings. These photographs are a sample of the ones which I used to compose my pocket sized map.

 This image shows examples of letterpress, image transfer onto fabric and experimental type. These are relevant to the project I am currently working on: Body modification.

These illustrations are components of an A1 image research sheet. Techniques include line drawing experimenting with holding the fineliner in different ways then detailed graphite and ink drawings.

 Again, parts of a research sheet exploring the subject matter; body modification. I am specifically interested in body piercings and tattooing. I feel that the direction of this project is moving towards time and change of the body and how this may be presented.

 Images from an Illustration and typography sheet exploring how the idiom 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' may be presented.

As an extension on the 'Idoms' project, I decided to create packaging designs for a perfume box. this design  sheet shows initial ideas along with inspiration from Si Scott and traditional ornate elements.

 This is the final flat design of the perfume box.

 Sketchbook, Photography and final outcome are all shown together in this piece. I enjoyed working on the create a pet project as I had primary research(and live models) to observe. My giant african land snails were photographed so I could document different sizes and positions which proved useful when creating my clay snail.

I feel that from my final three outcomes of this project, the far right ('she can't ask for help') is the stronger of the three. It expresses the ideology behind the Human trafficking project in a way which the audience have to think about.